
Showing posts from July, 2023


ACCEPTING YOURSELF  You are the most beautiful creation of god , yes you are the precious one always try to appreciate as well as accept yourself . You want be important to other people all the time , and that's why you have to be important to yourself. Learn to enjoy your own company . Take care of yourself. Encourage self talk - and become your own sunshine and your support system. Don't rely on others for your happiness ,be your own partner for life . 5 WONDERFUL WAYS TO ACCEPT YOURSELF 1. Appreciate your physical beauty There are no rules to beauty , accept and love yourself as you are . Embrace your flaws and get comfortable in your skin . Wear your imperfections like they don't need a season to be fashionable . Never allow society's ideals for physical beauty to devalue your existence. 2. Compare Only With Yourself Comparison is one of the most common reasons why we experience sadness . Ignore what everyone else is doing. Your life is not about everyone else, it&#