

ACCEPTING YOURSELF  You are the most beautiful creation of god , yes you are the precious one always try to appreciate as well as accept yourself . You want be important to other people all the time , and that's why you have to be important to yourself. Learn to enjoy your own company . Take care of yourself. Encourage self talk - and become your own sunshine and your support system. Don't rely on others for your happiness ,be your own partner for life . 5 WONDERFUL WAYS TO ACCEPT YOURSELF 1. Appreciate your physical beauty There are no rules to beauty , accept and love yourself as you are . Embrace your flaws and get comfortable in your skin . Wear your imperfections like they don't need a season to be fashionable . Never allow society's ideals for physical beauty to devalue your existence. 2. Compare Only With Yourself Comparison is one of the most common reasons why we experience sadness . Ignore what everyone else is doing. Your life is not about everyone else, it&#


  GOOD VIBES GOOD LIFE Good vibes are simply higher states of vibrations. Your vibration is the key component to a greater life. Once you learn how to high your vibrations , your life will definitely transform . If you could continuously experience good vibes , you'd always view your life in a positive light . Higher states of vibration will feel you feel good, which means you can attract more good things in your life. There are many lifestyle  habits that will help you do this and bring you closer to a more loving and joyful state. such as you might raise your vibration by laughing aloud, listening to uplifting music, spreading kindness, sleeping deeply, spending quality time with your family and friends , lots of dancing or any other activity that you can enjoy. 10 STEPS TO PROTECT YOUR VIBES 1. Surround Yourself With Positive People 2. Take Some Time For Yourself 3. Avoid Gossip And Drama 4. Make Yourself Your Own Priority  5. Celebrate Your Achievements 6. Be Kind And Forgive Y


 FORGIVE YOUR PAST BUT NEVER FORGET IT Forgive your past in order to make your present and future better. Do not let the shadows of your past darken the doorstep of your future. Free yourself from your past mistakes by forgiving yourself, for what you have done or went through . Every day is another chance to start over. Don't become a hostage to your past by always reviewing and reliving your mistakes. Release it and let it go move on. Start your new journey with a bang. First accept it and let it go . You are not perfect, you are capable of making mistakes. Stop holding from the shadows of past . Don't be trapped in darkness of shattered memories. Let the light pass through and shine upon you. Forgive yourself because it's the only way to start again. NEVER FORGET THE PAST Never forget the past, it doesn't means hold grudges or any negative emotions with respect to the past, it simply means keep the lesson in mind that past mistake teaches you. By leaning from it one


  5 HABITS THAT CHANGE YOUR LIFE Do you want to become best version of yourself ? If yes, here are the mantras that quickly helps you to become best version of yourself.   A habit is an action you repeatedly take with little or no required effort or thought . If you start following these habits in your life you can go a long way. 1. WORKING ON YOUR FITNESS GOALS Figure out what aspects of fitness you love and do that . If going to the gym and lifting weights is boring , don't do it. Start doing what you love if you love yoga , jogging, stretching, do it or if love to being outdoor play cricket , badminton, tennis make that part of your routine. As physical activities keeps you healthy as well as improves your mental health by reducing anxiety, depression ,negativity and improves your self esteem. 2. REVIEWING YOUR FAILURES Just as accepting and celebrating success is essential, similarly it is crucial to accept and review your failures. Take time to assess what went wrong and why.


 ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING By changing your attitude you can change your life . To change your circumstances, first start thinking differently. The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. It means you began to change from a negative attitude to a positive attitude you started to get significant results.  WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT  A positive attitude is a person's passport to a better tomorrow. when you combine a positive attitude with the other success principles, you become unstoppable. You can achieve your goal when you believe in yourself and keep your thoughts focused on the positive. "If your thoughts don't change , your results won't change." THE MAGIC OF COMMITMENT Talk about commitment, one person with a commitment is worth more than 100 people who have only an interest, you will have created these positive events by making a commitment and, thus, instructing your mind to look f


PRESENT MOMENT  Don't waste your valuable life; instead, begin to appreciate and live each minute. Living in the present moment  means letting go of past and not waiting for the future .Simply focusing on the now and forgiving the past will immediately make your future bright because the present is the key to your life as it means do not dwell on past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on present moment   Make every moment in your life so wonderful that you will always cherish each day of it. Remember, life is short and every moment is so precious. so, make the most of every opportunity and live your life to the fullest. It means living your life consciously, aware that each moment you breathe is a gift. 10 WAYS TO START LIVING IN THE PRESENT 1.   Notice your surroundings 2.   Be Grateful for what you have Now 3.   Practice Meditation 4.   Fully Appreciate the Moment of Today 5.   Forgive Past which Hurts 6.   Stop Worrying 7.   Be Mindful of Everything you do 8.   T


    HAPPY LIFE   Being happy doesn't imply remaining that way forever. Happiness is the state of being when a person is completely satisfied and able to smile naturally. Happiness described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction. ultimately, a happy life is one which an individual feels a sense of joy and satisfaction with their overall experiences. FOR EXAMPLE :  A person's constant smile does not indicate that they are always happy; rather, it may be the result of a number of different circumstances. However, if a person feels completely satisfied from the bottom of their hearts, then they are likely experiencing happiness.                                                          IMPORTANCE OF BEING HAPPY   THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHY BEING HAPPY IS IMPORTANT. 1. POSITIVE IMPACT ON PHYSICAL HEALTH : Happiness has been linked to a range of positive health outcomes as a happy person is always physically fit and fine . 2. IMPROVED MENTAL HEALTH: Happiness have a po